Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

"A whimsical espy on Oil & Gas Technology, Challenge & Future"

Welcome Note

The Oil and Gas Expo 2023 Edition framed the session which focuses of target audience on petroleum engineers, drilling engineers, reservoir engineers, petrophysics, onshore and offshore engineers, CEO of the petroleum and oil gas industries and companies, Geophysicist, oil and gas engineers, oil gas and Petroleum Consultant, Geoscientist, Geophysicist, Directional Driller, Well testing Engineers, Pipeline Engineers, Simulation Engineers, Completion Engineers, Well Integrity Engineers, Geological and geophysical Engineers, Safe and risk Management Professionals, Oil and Gas Research Scholars, Oil and Gas scientist, Oil and Gas societies/Associations, petroleum societies/Associations, Chemical engineers, Petroleum Analysts, Transportation engineering, Petroleum and petrochemicals Marketers, oil and gas investors, International Oil and Gas Lawyers.         

Oil Gas Expo 2023 aims to bring all the oil gas professionals under all oil gas and Petroleum fields for our Oil Gas Conference to interact and share their knowledge and their newest research to the entire Petroleum and Oil Gas Community

Also this time, Our Oil and Gas Conference will be focus destination for the International petroleum Research Societies, Associations, and Organizations. This event will bring together Directors, Professors, Students from academia and researchers in the field of Petroleum and Oil Gas, Government officials and global leaders to push forward the Oil and Gas and petroleum Research.

Participation Categories: Oil and Gas Expo is expecting more than 200+ Participants to make the event more Interaction between the academies and industrial professionals. This time the Oil and Gas Expo will organize several Oral and Poster Presentations Networking Sessions/Workshops/Symposiums/Exhibition as we have introduced several new tracks to bring in more participants.

We welcome all the Oil and Gas Professionals, Delegates, Researchers, and Students to make your beautiful presence in at Dubai, UAE on July 24-26, 2023.

About Conference

The Oil Gas Expo frame the new session for 2-day Event frame the new trending and Engaging Business Networking Meeting to be discussed and shared the knowledge Ideas about the ongoing research and the Current and future market analysis of petroleum field Industries, oil market with the dedicated and eminent professionals in the Oil gas sector.

Our Attendees obtained the kind of advance technical information in the arena of Oil and Gas that they were seeking, and that their role in the field has been enhanced via their participation. They were able to take part in all the sessions and take advantage of the tremendous advancements in Oil Gas that scientists are working with. 

The Majorly Focused Highlights for our Oil and Gas Expo 2023 Conference Coal and Natural Gas, Conventional and Unconventional Resources, Data Analytics for Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Digital Oil Field Transformation, Digitalisation of the Petroleum Industry: Opportunities and Impacts, Drilling and Mining Engineering, Drilling and Well Completion Technology.

The Selected scientific papers for the conference will be published on “Allied Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences” and “Journal of Industrial and Environmental Chemistry” Journals.

Some of the Eminent Oil and Gas-Petroleum Professionals were the Organizing Committee Members for Oil Gas Expo


Vladimir Ingerman | Amros Corporation | USA

Dr. James G. Speight | Consulting Services USA | USA

Dr Georg Kraus | Dr. Kraus & Partners | Germany

Prof. M. R. Riazi | Kuwait University | Kuwait

Prof. Raphael Heffron |University of Dundee |United Kingdom

Xueyu Pang | China University of Petroleum | China

Prof. Abdulrazag Y. Zekri | United Arab Emirates University |United Arab Emirates

Hence, Oil and Gas Expo gave justice to the theme.

All thanks to our Media partners also for associating with us.

SAVE THE DATE, Oil Gas Expo 2023 is coming!

Followed by the Successful Completion of the Oil Gas Expo , the 3rd Edition we are hosting “6th International Conference on Oil and Gas to be held on July 24-26, 2023 at Prague.

The theme focused for the “Vivid Techniques and Innovation on Petroleum”

Having you all with us for our Oil Gas Expo 2023  is a matter of great joy and excitement. We look forward to you all sharing your incredible knowledge, research ideas and to make a sprinkle with new enhancements at this 2-days event.

This time we have introduced some new highlights for our Oil and Gas Expo 2023

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date July 24-26, 2023
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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